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I had one of those enlightening moments the other day, when it was like a light bulb literally turned on above my head.  You know those times when the words “oh, now I get it!” just come pouring out as you’ve realized something new and different.

Let’s be honest, sometimes these moments come at the end of a period of what seems like torture, when we’re the last person in the room who seems to understand what is going on or being said.  The joke that doesn’t seem funny; the puzzle that you just can’t get your mind around; or even a story that everyone else is raving about, but you don’t get.   (I must confess, this is becoming more and more common with my kids at present.  They do speak a different language, don’t they?  I know it’s English, but I don’t understand most of what is being saidI just nod and smile…trying to look intelligent!)

I must confess…I hate being in the fog where everybody else knows what is going on, but I don’t have a clue!  I hate it even more, when I’m in the fog about my own life and feel stuck in concrete about how to change anything!!

Anyway…the other day I was strolling through Facebook and saw a video clip that looked interesting and was only short, so thought I’d have a look.  As this lady spoke I could see connections to a course I’d done a couple of years ago.  It was a great course and while I got a lot out of it, I felt like I could have learnt more.  Some others who did it were saying how life-changing it was for them and how they could put so much of it into action.

As I watched this short clip on Facebook, I started to make connections with the course and it was like a whole row of dominoes started to tip over, one after the other!   It was one of these AHA, enlightening moments!   So much so, I watched it again and jotted down some notes.  As soon as it was finished, I even wrote down 8 things that I could do to help myself move forward!

I can’t tell you how liberating that felt (and still does, days later!)  I had felt stuck for several years and had no idea how to get out of that place.  I’d worked hard trying to find a way out, but nothing seemed to gel for me.

So, what changed for me?  I honestly think that I had heard these words in different ways over the past years, but on this day, I was able to hear them with ALL OF ME.  Not just my mind hearing the words, but my heart was connecting to it as well and I knew wholeheartedly, how I could move forward to change my life.

What a powerful moment.  The great thing is that because I could action what I had heard straight away, I have notes to keep going back to.  When the feelings of helplessness or being stuck rise again, as from past history I’m sure they will, I can go back and read these notes and KNOW what I need to do.

If you’re feeling like you’re stuck somewhere, hang on – I certainly had to.  Find help if you need it – I did.  When all of you is ready, heart and mind, you’ll know how to take the first step to move forward in your life.

Have you had this happen to you too?