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What makes you smile?

What makes you smile?

You know that moment when regardless of what’s been happening in your life, you see something beautiful, or somebody says something silly and you can’t help but smile?  It’s almost like the smile starts deep inside you and by the time it’s reached your face, there’s a lightness about your body that wasn’t there earlier.  That’s a real smile. 

My Dad had what we used to call a “wicked” smile.  You’d see it on his face and wonder what was going on in that mind of his!  It was a sign that something had caught his attention and made him want to laugh.  Sometimes it was a memory that popped back up to amuse him.

I was the brunt of one of these memories not long ago.  When my broader family gets together on Christmas day we participate in a Kris Kringle, where everyone buys a present for their same gender, wraps it up and puts it in the middle of the circle.  Now, this isn’t just an ordinary Kris Kringle – this is kamikaze!  One by one we go around the circle and each person chooses a present, opens it and decides whether to keep it or to swap it with one that someone has already opened!  Its lots of fun.

This particular year, I had bought a “chip and dip bowl”, wrapped it and put it in middle.  You know the sort of bowl…largish with a smaller bowl attached for the dip to go in.  Well, it wasn’t long before my Dad (I’m sure he started it) got the giggles, because he thought the bowl looked more like something that belonged in a hospital – a bed pan!!!  We were all in hysterics for ages – my Dad especially.  I’ve yet to live down buying that bowl and it still brings a smile, if not a good laugh at family gatherings.

There’s something so good about moments like that.  It can feel like the weight of the world leaves you for a while and you can just laugh at life, in all its silliness!

Scientists tell us that smiling actually releases endorphins and serotonin.  This is just like a natural pain-killer.  It is known to release stress, as well as raise self-esteem.  All from a smile!  Can you believe that?

There are other times when a smile appears because you see something wonderful.  For me, it’s the mountains.  I just love to look up at the mountains.  It’s like everything comes back into perspective!  I’m so small compared to the mountains.  The beauty and creativity I see refreshes me and makes me smile without my even thinking about it.

What makes you smile?  A sunrise or sunset?  Watching a baby or toddler move around and discover things? A funny movie? Being with friends…

We need to find those things and make sure they are regularly a part of our lives.

I try to smile at people I pass on my way to work.  I say try, because it is easier to do with some people than it is with others!  But more often than not, a smile is returned.  It may be tentative, even uncertain to start with, but it is a smile.  Maybe by helping someone else smile, just for a moment, we’re relieving some of the stress in their lives…let alone what we’re doing for ourselves by smiling at them.  Isn’t that worth doing?

“You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, If you just smile”

from the song Smile by Charlie Chaplin, takes on a new meaning.

Welcome to Loving This Life

Welcome to Loving This Life

Everyone, regardless of where we’ve come from, what we’re doing now, or even what hopes we have for the future – we all have to work out how to live this life we’ve been given…let alone love it.

I hope this site will be a place where you can find new ideas, share some of your own thoughts and be encouraged to not just let life pass you by, but to learn how to get the most out of each moment, day and year.

Life has been an up and down journey for me so far, yet I know I’m incredibly fortunate compared to what others have to deal with.  So how do we make the most of our lives, sometimes in spite of what’s going on around us?  How can we be present in each moment and maybe even plan for a future we hadn’t dreamed of until now?

I love this quote from Danish Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard:

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced”.

It’s difficult to experience something when you’re stuck in your head!  I find my head regularly shoots off in different directions – never knowing where I’ll end up! What I do know though, is that I don’t usually work things through easily with lots of going on in my head!

There are times, I even find myself speaking to someone and I have to stop because my mind has raced off ahead and I’ve forgotten what I was trying to say.  Is it just me, or do others experience this?  I’ve also noticed that the busier my head gets, the tenser my body becomes.  I have to remind myself to relax and drop my shoulders because they usually end up near my ears from being so uptight!!

All in all, this hasn’t helped me to “experience the reality” of life.  I’m too caught up in my head to do that.

I’ve learnt over the past few years especially how important it is to relax both my mind and body.  Here are four things that have helped me:

  1. Regardless of what you’re doing, stop, take some deep breathes in and out and let your body relax – physically drop your shoulders to relieve the tension. (You can even do this at work or uni!).  I sometimes do this over and over again throughout a day!
  1. Find a meditation site online to help you to focus.  There are some great meditation sites around that can help. Headspace is one I use, but there are lots more.  It helps me get in touch with how I’m feeling and what I’m thinking.
  1. Write down what’s going around in your head.  This has helped me to see that sometimes what I’m working through isn’t as big as it first seemed. It felt monstrous going around in circles in my head, but the process of putting everything down into words onto a page – naming what was going on – helps to put things in perspective.  Sometimes it helps me see that I know what needs to happen next…even if that is to ask for help!
  1. When it’s something big you’re working through with no quick answers, try and relax (and turn off your mind) by reading a novel. Once you get into the first few pages of a new book by one of your favourite authors, you’ll be lost in it and give your brain a well-deserved break.  I feel ready to tackle anything after I’ve had a break reading!

What works for you?  I’d love to hear your ideas.

These are just a few simple things that can help us stay tuned to life in this moment.  There’s so much more that we’ll explore over the coming weeks.

Watch out for the new topics in the site that will be starting up soon.