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Listening to people matters; it’s important because it can change people’s lives. 

You might be thinking “what is she talking about?  That’s a vast over-statement.”  But I honestly believe it isn’t an over-statement and here’s why.

I have had many times when someone has listened to me when I am trying to work something out or when I’m struggling with a particular issue and as they listened, I was able to get clarity on my situation.   Just having a conversation with someone helped me to know how to move forward. 

Have you ever experienced the relief that comes when you can get out some of what has been churning around in your brain and the feelings that came with it?  As you say it aloud to someone, it can bring clarity just as you hear yourself say it.  You don’t even need them to say anything!

There are other times when if the person who is listening to you can mirror back to you what they are seeing and hearing – the words and everything around the words (your tone of voice; tension in your body; emotions that might rise, etc.).  This can bring enormous relief and hopefully some clarity about how to move forward in a situation.  Sometimes you just need to get it out and know that someone has heard it.  You don’t need anything else. 

I know it sounds a bit strange, but I know for myself that this alone can help.  The listener’s response – both in words and actions – can bring relief to the person speaking.  They understand.  They’re not laughing at you or calling you crazy.  They are caring for you by giving you their time, attention and by not judging you. 

Don’t you long to have people around you who can really listen to you?  Who don’t spend all their time talking, but give you the time and space to share? Imagine how you might be able to help the people in your life if you could listen more effectively.  Maybe it hasn’t been a priority for you up until now.  But we find ourselves in a different time/season, where communication – and especially listening to understand – is crucial. 

How can I know what life is like for my indigenous brothers and sister if I don’t listen?  How can I know how the elderly and my broader family are managing through isolation due to coronavirus if I don’t create opportunities to speak and listen to them? 

I produced a simple, straightforward course to give people the foundations of listening.  It’s not difficult, listening alone can be hard enough when we get started!  I’ve reduced the price of the course from $37USD to $9USD because I want as many people as possible to start on this journey of listening more effectively.  Click on this to enrol now:  LISTENING FOUNDATIONS – I WANT IN!

Whose life could you change by listening to them, today?